Christina Bert

Fields of Interest

Qualitative Methods (Ethnography, Systematic Metaphoranalysis)
Sociology of Education
Sociology of Language
Sociology of Religion (Sociology of Conversion)


Academic Education

03/2015 Master of Arts
Master Thesis: Das Transzendente wahrnehmbar machen. Die Herstellung von Präsenz von Nichtmenschen in spirituellen Feldern (Unveiling the Transcendental. The Production of Non-humans’ Presence in Spiritual Fields)
2012-2015 Studies of Sociology (Master of Arts), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
03/2012 Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor Thesis: Zum Verhältnis von Praktiken und Dingen. Ein Vergleich eines praxistheoretischen Zugangs mit der Actor-Network-Theory (On the Relationship between Practices and Things. A  Comparison of a Practice-theoretical Approach and the Actor-Netwok Theory) (Received the Faculty 02 Award)
2009-2012 Studies of Sociology and Educational Sciences (Bachelor of Arts), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
2002-2008 Studies of Law at the University of Mannheim and the Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet, School of economics and commercial law (Sweden)


Professional / Academic Positions

since 04/2020 Research Assistant, Institute of Sociology,  Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz
07/2018-03/2020 Parental leave
since 04/2017 Research Assistant, Institute of Sociology,  Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz
09/2015-03/2017 Parental leave
since 04/2015 Research Assistant, Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
2011-2014 Graduate Assistant at the Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz at the Department of Knowledge, Education and Qualitative Methods, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz


Doctoral Dissertation

Presence of Mind. A Phenomenologically Inspired Ethnography 

Under the label posthumanism, various approaches have been circulating in recent times, which deal with the question whether and, if so, how so-called non-humans can be regarded as objects of sociological analyses. While the founding fathers of sociology usually focused on the human subject in their studies, the sociological... [read more]


Teaching Experiences

Sociology of Education

Seminar Equality and Difference in School and Classes (winter term 2022/2023, summer term 2023, winter term 2023/24)
Communication and Interaction (summer term 2022)
Equality and Difference in School and Classes (winter term 2020/2021)
Equality and Difference in School and Classes (summer term 2020)
Communication and Interaction (summer term 2018)
Social Differences in Education (summer term 2015, summer term 2017, winter term 2017/18)
Communication and Interaction (summer term 2015, summer term 2017, winter term 2017/18)

Qualitative Methods

Research Training II - Ethnography (winter term 2020/2021, summer term 2021)
Research Training I - Ethnography  (winter term 2020/2021)
Research Training I - Ethnography  (summer term 2020)


Invited Lectures and Conference Papers

Jenseitsreisen. Zur leiblichen Kommunikation mit Verstorbenen. (Speaking from the beyond: Corporal interaction with the dead.) 3rd Congress of the "Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Phänomenologie und Soziologie" (IAPS), DGS. Section "Soziologische Theorie": Leibliche Interaktion. Phänomenologische Annäherung an einen soziologischen Grundbegriff. (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, 28th to 29th June 2018).


Preis für herausragende Abschlussarbeiten des Instituts für Soziologie und des Fachbereichs 02 der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Award for excellent thesis from the Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)


German Sociological Association (GSA) (Sections: Methods of Qualitative Social Research, Interdisciplinary Section "Phenomenology and Sociology" (IAPS))