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Fields of InterestQualitative Methods (Ethnography, Systematic Metaphoranalysis) |
Academic Education
03/2015 | Master of Arts Master Thesis: Das Transzendente wahrnehmbar machen. Die Herstellung von Präsenz von Nichtmenschen in spirituellen Feldern (Unveiling the Transcendental. The Production of Non-humans’ Presence in Spiritual Fields) |
2012-2015 | Studies of Sociology (Master of Arts), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz |
03/2012 | Bachelor of Arts Bachelor Thesis: Zum Verhältnis von Praktiken und Dingen. Ein Vergleich eines praxistheoretischen Zugangs mit der Actor-Network-Theory (On the Relationship between Practices and Things. A Comparison of a Practice-theoretical Approach and the Actor-Netwok Theory) (Received the Faculty 02 Award) |
2009-2012 | Studies of Sociology and Educational Sciences (Bachelor of Arts), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz |
2002-2008 | Studies of Law at the University of Mannheim and the Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet, School of economics and commercial law (Sweden) |
Professional / Academic Positions
since 04/2020 | Research Assistant, Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz |
07/2018-03/2020 | Parental leave |
since 04/2017 | Research Assistant, Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz |
09/2015-03/2017 | Parental leave |
since 04/2015 | Research Assistant, Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz |
2011-2014 | Graduate Assistant at the Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz at the Department of Knowledge, Education and Qualitative Methods, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz |
Doctoral Dissertation
Presence of Mind. A Phenomenologically Inspired Ethnography
Under the label posthumanism, various approaches have been circulating in recent times, which deal with the question whether and, if so, how so-called non-humans can be regarded as objects of sociological analyses. While the founding fathers of sociology usually focused on the human subject in their studies, the sociological... [read more]
Teaching Experiences
Sociology of Education
Seminar | Equality and Difference in School and Classes (winter term 2022/2023, summer term 2023, winter term 2023/24) |
Seminar |
Communication and Interaction (summer term 2022) |
Seminar |
Equality and Difference in School and Classes (winter term 2020/2021) |
Seminar |
Equality and Difference in School and Classes (summer term 2020) |
Seminar |
Communication and Interaction (summer term 2018) |
Seminar |
Social Differences in Education (summer term 2015, summer term 2017, winter term 2017/18) |
Seminar |
Communication and Interaction (summer term 2015, summer term 2017, winter term 2017/18) |
Qualitative Methods
Seminar |
Research Training II - Ethnography (winter term 2020/2021, summer term 2021) |
Seminar |
Research Training I - Ethnography (winter term 2020/2021) |
Seminar |
Research Training I - Ethnography (summer term 2020) |
Invited Lectures and Conference Papers
Jenseitsreisen. Zur leiblichen Kommunikation mit Verstorbenen. (Speaking from the beyond: Corporal interaction with the dead.) 3rd Congress of the "Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Phänomenologie und Soziologie" (IAPS), DGS. Section "Soziologische Theorie": Leibliche Interaktion. Phänomenologische Annäherung an einen soziologischen Grundbegriff. (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, 28th to 29th June 2018).
2019 |
Preis für herausragende Abschlussarbeiten des Instituts für Soziologie und des Fachbereichs 02 der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Award for excellent thesis from the Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) |
German Sociological Association (GSA) (Sections: Methods of Qualitative Social Research, Interdisciplinary Section "Phenomenology and Sociology" (IAPS))