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Fields of InterestQualitative Methods
Academic Education
08/2011 | Diploma Diploma Thesis: Schultraining – Zum praktischen Vollzug von Nachhilfe (School Training – On the Practice of Private Lessons) |
2002-2011 | Studies of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz |
Professional / Academic Positions
since 2013 | Research Assistant, Institute of Sociology at the Department of Knowledge, Education and Qualitative Methods, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz |
2012-2013 | Teaching assignment in the field of Educational Sciences, Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz |
Monographs and Edited Volumes
Unterscheidung und Härtung. Bewertungs- und Notenkommunikation in Lehrerzimmer und Zeugniskonferenz. In: Berliner Journal für Soziologie 26(3-4) (2016), S. 459–483 (mit Herbert Kalthoff).
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Die Prüfung der Schrift. Die Bewertung schriftlicher Klausuren in der Schule. In: Helga Kotthoff (Hg.): Diskursive Passungen. Tübingen: Narr Francke (2019) (mit Herbert Kalthoff, im Erscheinen).
(im Erscheinen)
Unterricht ohne Urteil? Zur Bewertungspraxis reformpädagogischer Schulen. In: Till-Sebastian Idel/Heiner Ullrich (Hg.): Handbuch Reformpädagogik, Weinheim: Beltz (2017), S. 305-323 (mit Herbert Kalthoff).
Teaching Experiences
Exercise | Qualitative Methods (winter term 2016/17) |
Research Training | Sociology of Playing Football I (winter term 2017/18, co-teaching with Ulla Bröcker) (four hours a week) |
Research Training | Sociology of Playing Football II (summer term 2018, co-teaching with Ulla Bröcker) (four hours a week) |
General and Particular Sociology
Seminar |
Sociology of (Higher) Education, co-teaching with Kornelia Engert (summer term 2019) |
Seminar |
Rating Practices at School (winter term 2018/19) |
Seminar |
At School with Luhmann (summer term 2017) |
Seminar |
Rating Society (summer term 2016) |
Seminar |
Rating Practices and Academic Selection in School (with Katrin Zaborowski) (winter term 2014/15) |
Sociology of Education
Seminar |
Communication and Interaction (summer term 2017) |
Seminar |
Social Differences in Education (summer terms 2012 & 2015, winter term 2012/13) |
Exercise |
Society and Socialization (winter term 2015/16) |
Invited Lectures and Conference Papers
"Educational Assessment as a Socio-Material Practice". Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference (New College, Oxford University, 17/09/2014; with Katrin U. Zaborowski)
"The solidification of human differentiation in the process of educational assessment". Rethinking Educational Ethnography Conference (University of Borås, Sweden, 12/06/2015)
"Lehrergespräche - Zur Aushandlung von Kategorisierungen". Workshop: Beobachten - Abschätzen - Differenzieren: Die soziale Praxis der schulischen Bewertung (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 02/07/2015; with Herbert Kalthoff)
"Negotiating categorisation: Teachers' conversations in staff rooms and teachers' meetings". Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference (New College, Oxford University, 21/09/2015; with Katrin U. Zaborowski)