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Fields of InterestPosthumanism |
Academic Education
09/2019 | Master of Arts Master Thesis: Roboter bauen. Die Arbeit an der Mensch-Maschine-Differenz. Engl.: Building robots. The work on the human-machine-differentiation. |
2017-2019 | Studies of Sociology (Master of Arts), Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
10/2016 | Bachelor of Arts Bachelor Thesis: Die Bedeutung sozialer Anerkennung in gesellschaftlichen Unterwerfungsprozessen. Engl.: The meaning of social recognition in in social processes of subjugation. |
2011-2016 | Studies of Sociology and Ethnologie (Bachelor of Arts), Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
Professional / Academic Positions
since 2022 | Member in the DFG Collaborative Research Center: Studies in Human Categorization. Project: Mechanical Human Differentiation. |
March 2024- June 2024 | Visiting Researcher at Posthumanities Hub, Linköping University (by invitation of Cecilia Åsberg) |
since 2019 | Research Assistant at the Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
2017-2019 | Graduate Assistant at the Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
Link, Hannah (2023): Robotermaterial und ‘Künstliche Intelligenz‘. Posthumanistische Potenziale der Robotik In: Richard Groß/ Rita Jordan (Hg.): KI-Realitäten. Modelle, Praktiken, Topologien maschinellen Lernens. Bielefeld: transcript. pp. 143-167.
Link, Hannah/Kalthoff, Herbert (2023): Die Naturalisierung des Roboters. Zu einer Soziologie technischen Wissens [The Naturalization of the Robot. Towards a Sociology of Technical Knowledge]. In: Torsten Cress/Oliwia Murawska/Annika Schlitte (eds.): Posthuman? Neue Perspektiven auf Natur/Kultur. [Posthuman? New Perspectives on Nature/Culture]. Paderborn: Fink/Brill, pp. 261-280..
Kalthoff, Herbert/Link, Hannah (2021): Zukunftslaboratorien. Technisches Wissen und die Maschinenwesen der Robotik [Laboratories of the Future. Technical Knowledge and Machine Beings of Robotics]. In: Dilek Dizdar/Stefan Hirschauer/Johannes Paulmann/Gabriele Schabacher (eds.): Humandifferenzierung. Disziplinäre Perspektiven und empirische Sondierungen [Human Differentiation. Perspectives and Empirical Exploration]. Weilerwist: Velbrück, pp. 314-341.
Invited Lectures and Conference Papers
Träumen Roboter vom Bluten? Feministische Potenziale posthumanen Menstruierens. Workshop "PERIOD. Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Menstruation", University Mainz, 11.10.2024
Robo-Intimacy? The Balancing Act of Fearing, Neglecting, and Caring for Robots. EASST-4S Conference „Making and Doing Transformations“, Vrije University, Amsterdam, 19.07.2024.
Techno-Organic Environments. Exploring the Intersections of Technology, Humans, and Nature in Military Aviation and Robotics. Webinar of the Posthumanities Hub, Linköping University, 30.05.2024 (mit Lisa Anders).
Challenging Environments. The Outside of Technosciences. Inaugural Conference of STSing “Leakage”, TU Dresden, 22.03.2024 (mit Lisa Anders).
From inscription to co-scription. Technologization of knowledge between sedimentation and collaboration. Conference of the DGS-Section Sociology of Knowledge "Technologization of Knowledge," TU Chemnitz, March 18, 2024.
Designing Humanoid Robots. Knowledge Practices of Robotics. Symposium “Living techno-Natures: Biohybrid Objects, Life, and Technology”, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, 07.03.2024.
Matter of Intelligence. The Technoscientific Production of Posthuman Sociality, University of Bologna and Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, Bologna, 28.06.2023.
Testing as Relating. Getting a Sense of a Humanoid Robot, STS-Hub.de 2023 “Circulations”, Human Technology Center, Aachen, March 17, 2023 (with Herbert Kalthoff).
Verschaltungsintensität. Von der Autarkie zur Relationalität von Intelligenz im Feld der Robotik. [Interconnection Intensity. From Autarky to Relationality of Intelligence in the Field of Robotics.] Interdisciplinary Conference of the Schaufler Kolleg Dresden: Artificial Intelligence as a Humanities & Social Science Concept, TU Dresden, December 1, 2021.
Die Maschinenwesen der Robotik. [The Machine Beings of Robotics.] Conference of the Forum Human Differentiation: Human Differentiation. Disciplinary Perspectives and Empirical Exploration, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, June 26. 2020 (with Herbert Kalthoff).
Humanoide Roboter. Zur Ambiguität von Maschinenwesen. [Humanoid Robots. On the Ambiguity of Machine Beings.] 4th Mainz Symposium of Social and Cultural Sciences at the Research Center SoCum: Beyond the Human. Posthuman Perspectives on Nature/Culture, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz; September 20, 2019 (with Herbert Kalthoff).
Teaching Experience
Sociology of Knowledge
Seminar | Sociology of Sociomateriality and Cybernetics (summer term 2023) |
Seminar | Sociomateriality (summer term 2022) |
Qualitative Methods
Seminar | Qualitative Methods (winter term 2022/23) |
Seminar | Research Workshop II (Ethnography) (winter term 2021/2022) |
Seminar | Research Workshop I (Ethnography) (summer term 2021) |
Sociology of Education
Seminar | Equality and Difference (SoSe 2020, WiSe 2020/21) |
Seminar | Communication and Interaktion (regularly since WiSe 2019/20) |
German Sociological Association (Section Wissenssoziologie)
Gutenberg Graduate School of the Humanities and Social Sciences (GSHS)