Univ.-Prof. Dr. Herbert Kalthoff



Academic Degrees

1985-1991 Studies in Hannover, Bielefeld and Paris
1991 Diploma
1995 PhD, University of Bielefeld
2003 Postdoctoral Lecturing Qualification, Viadrina European University, Frankfurt (Oder)
since 2008 Professorship for Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

[Detailed CV]



Monographs and Edited Volumes:

Kalthoff_Cress.indd Materialität. Herausforderungen für die Sozial- und Kultur-
wissenschaften. Paderborn: Fink 2016 (edited with
Torsten Cress and Tobias Röhl).
Körper_Räume_Objekte_Cover-189x300 Bildungspraxis. Körper - Räume - Objekte. Weilerswist:
Velbrück 2015 (edited with Thomas Alkemeyer and
Markus Rieger-Ladich).
Ethnographie Ethnografie. Die Praxis der Feldforschung. Stuttgart:
UTB 2013 2nd edition 2015) (with Georg Breidenstein,
Stefan Hirschauer and Boris Nieswand).
Soziologie der Finanzmärkte Soziologie der Finanzmärkte. Bielefeld:
Transcript 2012 (edited with Uwe Vormbusch)
Theoretische Empirie Theoretische Empirie. Die Relevanz qualitativer Forschung.
Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp 2008 (2nd edition 2015) (edited with
Stefan Hirschauer and Gesa Lindemann).
Oekonomie und Gesellschaft Facts and figures. Economic representations and practices.
Marburg: Metropolis 2000 (edited with Richard Rottenburg and
Hans-Jürgen Wagener).
Wohlerzogenheit Wohlerzogenheit. Eine Ethnographie deutscher Internatsschulen.
Frankfurt/Main: Campus 1997


[Detailed publication list]



I am offering two lectures:

  1. Society and Socialization (Sociology of Education) (two hours a week)
  2. Qualitative Methods (four hours a week)

I am offering seminars in the following fields:

  1. Theories of Culture and Practice
  2. Sociology of Materiality and Artifacts
  3. Sociology of Economics and Finance
  4. Sociology of School and Education
  5. Classics of Sociology
  6. Qualitative Methods
  7. Document Analysis

Every semester, a Colloqium on Theoretical Empiricism takes place.