Univ.-Prof. Dr. Herbert Kalthoff
Academic Degrees
1985-1991 |
Studies in Hannover, Bielefeld and Paris |
1991 |
Diploma |
1995 |
PhD, University of Bielefeld |
2003 |
Postdoctoral Lecturing Qualification, Viadrina European University, Frankfurt (Oder) |
since 2008 |
Professorship for Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz |
Monographs and Edited Volumes:
Materialität. Herausforderungen für die Sozial- und Kultur-
wissenschaften. Paderborn: Fink 2016 (edited with
Torsten Cress and Tobias Röhl). |
Bildungspraxis. Körper - Räume - Objekte. Weilerswist:
Velbrück 2015 (edited with Thomas Alkemeyer and
Markus Rieger-Ladich). |
Ethnografie. Die Praxis der Feldforschung. Stuttgart:
UTB 2013 2nd edition 2015) (with Georg Breidenstein,
Stefan Hirschauer and Boris Nieswand). |
Soziologie der Finanzmärkte. Bielefeld:
Transcript 2012 (edited with Uwe Vormbusch) |
Theoretische Empirie. Die Relevanz qualitativer Forschung.
Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp 2008 (2nd edition 2015) (edited with
Stefan Hirschauer and Gesa Lindemann). |
Facts and figures. Economic representations and practices.
Marburg: Metropolis 2000 (edited with Richard Rottenburg and
Hans-Jürgen Wagener). |
Wohlerzogenheit. Eine Ethnographie deutscher Internatsschulen.
Frankfurt/Main: Campus 1997 |
I am offering two lectures:
- Society and Socialization (Sociology of Education) (two hours a week)
- Qualitative Methods (four hours a week)
I am offering seminars in the following fields:
- Theories of Culture and Practice
- Sociology of Materiality and Artifacts
- Sociology of Economics and Finance
- Sociology of School and Education
- Classics of Sociology
- Qualitative Methods
- Document Analysis
Every semester, a Colloqium on Theoretical Empiricism takes place.