Vanessa Wein

Fields of Interest

Materiality and Mediality
Sociology of Knowledge
Sociology of Education
Qualitative Methods


Academic Education

09/2013 Master of Arts
Master Thesis: Luca was a great host. Couchsurfing als vermittelte soziale Praxis (Luca was a great host. Couchsurfing as a Mediated Social Practice).
2011-2013 Studies of Sociology at Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz
08/2011 Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor Thesis: Stumme Teilnehmer im Sprachunterricht (Dumb Participants in Language Courses)
2008-2011 Studies of Sociology (major) and Educational Science (minor) at Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz


Professional / Academic Positions

since 08/2022 Research Assistant, Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz
08/2020-07/2022 Parental Leave
10/2016-07/2020 Research Assistant, Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz
09/2015-09/2016 Parental Leave
2013-2015 Research Assistant, Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz

Doctoral Disseration

Digital Choreography.  Designs of Practice and Time in Online Worlds.

Every user of the internet inevitably leaves traces of himself (who?), of his location (where?), and of the point of time (when?) and period of usage (how long?). It is the task of automatic analysis tools to create these traces, viz. written protocols, to condense the data, and to present it in readable form. Through those tools... [read more]


Articles in Journals
Digitale Dokumente und Soziologie der digitalen Analyse. Zur Repräsentation entfernter Gebrauchsweisen. In: Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung (1) (2020). Schwerpunktheft: Qualitative Online-Forschung: Methodische und methodologische Herausforderungen (eds.: Thomas Schmidt-Lux/Monika Wohlrab-Sahr).

Teaching Experiences

Qualitative Methods

Seminar Research Workshop I (Ethnography, Grounded Theory) for master’s degree (winter term 2016/17, summer turn 2018)
Seminar Research Workshop II for master’s degree (summer term 2017, winter terms 2017/18 and 2019/20)


Sociology of Education

Seminar Social Differences in Education (regularly from summer term 2013 until summer term 2018, winter term 2019/2020)
Seminar Communication and Interaction (winter term 2014/15, summer terms 2015 and 2018)

Invited Lectures and Conference Papers

Digitale Dokumente und Soziologie der Datenanalyse; Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Methoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung: All is data oder data is all? Datafizierung und Datenmanagement: Herausforderungen für die qualitative Sozialforschung. (Online: Tübingen, March 2021)

Digitale Materialität. Analyse des Digitalen und Soziologie der Digitalisierung; AK Organisation und Digitalisierung in der Sektion Organisationssoziologie der DGS (Berlin, March 2020).

Tele-Observation. Use-Trace-Production. Media Ethnography. Workshop: Where is the Action? Cooperative Media Practices in Ethnographic Fieldwork. Universität Siegen (sfb1187).

Grants, Awards and Fellowships

2010-2013 Scholarship of Hans Böckler Stiftung (Hans Boeckler Foundation)